Current News

Jan. 28th, 2013

New NTLC Monographs Available

Category: File Updates
Two new monographs have been added to the Resources section.

Commercial Driver's Licenses: This 36 page monograph produced by the National Traffic Law Center with the assistance of Lieutenant John Harmon of the Tennessee Highway Patrol was the project of former Nashville prosecutor, Kristen Shea. It provides a prosecutor with everything needed for a case involving a commercial vehicle.

Cross Examination monograph: This monograph a guide for prosecutors includes materials composed by Tennessee Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor, Jim Camp, among others.
It was also produced by the National Traffic Safety Center of the National District Attorneys Association.

CDL Monograph.pdf

Cross Examination for Prosecutors.pdf

Jan. 23rd, 2013

DUI News: Issue 41 is Now Available

Category: File Updates
A new issue of the quarterly newsletter, DUI News, is now available.
Click here or the link below to download the latest issue.

DUI News: Issue 41

Or check out any of our other issues by clicking here or the link below.
Newsletter Archive

Oct. 8th, 2012

DUI News: Issue 40 is Now Available

Category: File Updates
A new issue of the quarterly newsletter, DUI News, is now available.
Click here or the link below to download the latest issue.

DUI News: Issue 40

Or check out any of our other issues by clicking here or the link below.
Newsletter Archive

Aug. 27th, 2012

DUI News Issue 39 Correction

Category: File Updates
On page 8 of the DUI NEWS Public Chapter 994 concerning bail bonds indicates that if a person fails to appear the person may only make a new bond with case or property. That is incorrect. The General Assembly amended that law to include sureties when they designated that the bond could be made pursuant to 40-11-118 or 40-11 122.
Sorry for the error.

Aug. 6th, 2012

DUI News: Issue 39 is Now Available

Category: File Updates
A new issue of the quarterly newsletter, DUI News, is now available.
Click here or the link below to download the latest issue.

DUI News: Issue 39

Or check out any of our other issues by clicking here or the link below.
Newsletter Archive

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